{"satisfactiontexts":"I am not satisfied with my life. I am grateful for what I do have and where I am because the situation can always be worse. I want a career and a degree, I want to loose weight and I haven't met these goals yet. So I am not satisfied with my life right now. I feel I can achieve more.","harmonytexts":"I am not in harmony in my life as much as I would like to be. I would like to be more peaceful and more productive. I want to have a balanced life. I would like to spend more time with my family and be more focused on my goals and where I want to be in life and what I want to achieve.","harmonywords":"doubt anxious worried fearful distant disconnected private quiet observant questionable","satisfactionwords":"eager pensive unsatisfied hungry ambitious driven focused desiring restless longing","hilstotal":9,"swlstotal":5,"age":33,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am definitely pretty satisfied right now. Went though several months of being highly disappointing when I was unemployed and now that I'm working I'm very satisfied in knowing I can help with my family's burden. I'm satisfied with my journey in Yoga and incorporating what i've learned in this now busy life. I'm satisfied knowing I can provide and feel that ease knowing I can take care of my child.","harmonytexts":"I am more in Harmony now then I was last week because I finally have gotten a new job and have settled into it. I feel at ease and comfortable knowing that I can help with bills and make an income. My obsessive thoughts about money have subsided and now I feel more at peace with my life. I feel less worry so that I can meditate and do yoga to prepare myself for hard work again and be at peace with interacting with new people and authority again.","harmonywords":"transcendent surrender ease peaceful heartfelt loved warm strong comfortable","satisfactionwords":"content anticipation hopeful excited relieved ease controlled focuses energized ready","hilstotal":26,"swlstotal":15,"age":31,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"i am very much satisfied. I am happily learning and doing the things i want to do with my life. I am doing well in that field.","harmonytexts":"i feel like i am in harmony with life. I seem to be well connected to the people around me. I feel like my connections have been stronger than ever. I am doing well and am successful","harmonywords":"mindful connected proud enamoured one communion together entwined grounded open","satisfactionwords":"loved healthy hopeful happy successful satisfied humoured educated privileged full","hilstotal":30,"swlstotal":29,"age":20,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I feel lost. I don't know what I'm doing to do anymore. I'm unsure about my choices and whether or not they will take me down the right path. I don't know if I can be happy and find my place and purpose in this world.","harmonytexts":"My thoughts feel scattered, contrived, and contradictory. Nothing in my life makes sense together anymore. I feel like I'm trying to put a puzzle together, but all the pieces come from different sets.","harmonywords":"accepting discombobulated scattered rattled unsure unsatisfied anxious nervous sad","satisfactionwords":"lonely lost unsure nervous anxious selfconscious sad down questioning alone","hilstotal":15,"swlstotal":10,"age":20,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"In general I am very satisfied. I would benefit from more finical security, because it is currently difficult to pay all of my bills while I am a full-time student. Even though I have some money concerns my basic needs are taken care of and life is very satisfying. I have plenty of time to enjoy life and spend all the quality time with my wife and dogs so there's not much to complain about. I have love and my basic needs are met so I'm satisfied.","harmonytexts":"In general I am in harmony. Because my financial needs are not exactly met and my health is somewhat strained, I find it difficult to say I am in harmony. I could use more health, less pain, and more money to feel like I truly have a balanced life. Over all my disharmony is a temporary effect of a long term success (being in school full time), and my health is not terminal so I can take grate solace in knowing that one day my circumstances will change and things have the potential to be more harmonious.","harmonywords":"love cherished security home dogs plentiful safety present gratitude support","satisfactionwords":"satiated saturated accepted included comfortable comfort secure security happy pleased","hilstotal":25,"swlstotal":29,"age":30,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I'm satisfied due to various positive aspects within my life. I feel good about myself if I know I tried my hardest and attempted everything possible within my power. To determine if i'm satisfied or not, there is a standard that is set and if not met, will disappoint me.","harmonytexts":"I believe i'm in harmony because of various aspects in my life. First, I feel like it's good to be rationale and perspective within yourself and your surroundings. If you have a good sense of the things around you, you can make a good judgement if you're in harmony or not.","harmonywords":"perspective intelligent awareness value growth learning composure rational decisive loving","satisfactionwords":"complete fullness satiate incomplete happy accomplished disappointed satisfactory discouraged elated","hilstotal":30,"swlstotal":26,"age":24,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"Yes, overall I am satisfied with my life. Many Ups and downs, mostly downs, but that is how you get over the the downs and go up!I have no money, but I am ok with it. I have enough to eat and drink.No money to pay all the bills, but oh well. Had major accident and have been housebound since July, and just starting to improve enough to sit at computer. I am satisfied, because it could have been much worse, since I had renal failure, I could of ended up on dialysis, which I avoided. I could have lost my leg, but instead, still working on walking. But I can walk, slowly, but better than not. I am satisfied with what I have, no complaints.","harmonytexts":"Being in harmony with nature is important to me. I love watching the birds, and any other living creature roaming about. I love the everything that grows, and there is a purpose for everything. I feel peace while near the ocean, or on a boat. I feel at peace and in harmony while in the back yard, watching all the plants, trees, flowers, and weeds grow. It is sad that so many people don't care about nature.","harmonywords":"peace love special nature colour universe animals birds environment mankind","satisfactionwords":"family dogs home hobbies yard food imagination neighbours trees country","hilstotal":30,"swlstotal":24,"age":63,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am very satisfied in my life. I have gotten all the things that I have set out to do. I found my soul mate and we are happily married. I have my dream job that I enjoy going to Monday through Friday. I have enough money to live and some many to play with. I am very pleased with my life.","harmonytexts":"My life is in harmony. I have a balanced work life. My work stays at work. I never bring it home. My home life does not interfere with work. On the weekends I am able to have fun and let lose without worrying about work.","harmonywords":"happiness balance fairness effortless melodic peace logical great good positive","satisfactionwords":"happy content great good satisfaction whole full fulfilled awesome felicity","hilstotal":35,"swlstotal":35,"age":30,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am completely satisfied with my life both at home and professionally. I am thrilled as each day comes and really do not have any regrets. I feel confident, have a lot of self esteem and look forward to the future. In essence, I am loving life.","harmonytexts":"The most important things in my life are my kids and my wife. These areas make me feel very good and rewarding. I feel wanted, loved and cherished all the time. I never have a complaint and enjoy each and everyday.","harmonywords":"loved cherished desired partnered passionate amazed wanted needed thoughtful overwhelmed","satisfactionwords":"happy exciting thrilled loved fun silly humerus confident safe smart","hilstotal":35,"swlstotal":34,"age":45,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am satisfied but I can't say fully yet. There are still things that I want to accomplish and life situations that I have not yet experienced to make my life feel great. I am satisfied that I have found the most important thing in life and that is my spiritual relationship with God. That is the most important thing in life. I want more close friends and possibly marriage and then I will again feel life is satisfying.","harmonytexts":"I would say I am in harmony because I have learned a lot in life. When I was in my twenties I did not have this wisdom. I was less calm. Now due to all I have learned; not just book knowledge but life knowledge I am at peace. I know why I feel the way I do. I appreciate the small things such as other people, nature, God and I realize that it is wisdom to put the small things in life first.","harmonywords":"Peaceful Knowledge Wisdom Intelligence Growth Trust Loyalty Nature Love Spiritual","satisfactionwords":"Knowledge Wisdom Life Trust Loyalty Intelligence Spiritual Life God Peace Nature","hilstotal":30,"swlstotal":21,"age":54,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I would say overall I am grateful but not satisfied and not sure that I will ever be satisfied. Satisfied would be to me there is nothing left to do, nothing left to improve. And in that sense, I am not. I have many projects unfinished. I have many desires for personal educational improvement as well as home improvement. I have desires for improvement in my children and my daily life.","harmonytexts":"I do not feel I am in harmony either. There are aspects of my life that are in harmony, but the majority still seems to be more chaotic than I would like. I feel like I have too much stuff. I think eliminating a lot of things would free up more time to spend on actually living. I have started working out and feel my body is becoming more in harmony with itself. The food we eat is organic and fresh,I cook a lot at home and this aspect feels like we are in harmony with nature. But the disorder and chaos of having too much stuff is becoming overwhelming.","harmonywords":"disorder chaos messy overwhelmed depression extreme hoarding stressed fatigued sad","satisfactionwords":"grateful humbled surprised spoiled wealthy happy content overwhelmed valued challenged","hilstotal":21,"swlstotal":22,"age":38,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I HAVE A LONG-TERM marriage that is good for the most part, but we certainly have had hard times. He is a good husband and we get along most of the time. I raised two great kids who are independent, educated and responsible. I have a good job and am financially secure. I have travelled all over the world and have had some amazing opportunities and experiences. I am healthy and pretty emotionally secure. Overall, my life has been good.","harmonytexts":"I am in harmony because I am confident and have control over most circumstances. I rarely get upset and I have a positive outlook. I am steady at work and enjoy my job. I get along with my co-workers and feel that I am contributing to the world and helping people. I get along with my family and enjoy their company.","harmonywords":"SATISFIED SPIRITUAL HEALTHY CONFIDENT FRIENDLY ACCEPTING INTIUTIVE INTERESTING RELAXED CURIOUS","satisfactionwords":"LOVED EMPLOYED MOTHER WIFE FRIEND STABLE TRAVELED DIVERSE EDUCATED ANALYTICAL","hilstotal":30,"swlstotal":27,"age":58,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am tired. I run in circles. i might get ahead but end up where i started. i feel like i am the only one who cares, so i don't. not caring doesn't feel any different, actually worse. may be i just dont understand . i feel out of place. my mind is still young but the body is old. hard to find someone that feels the same.","harmonytexts":"no i am not in harmony. how can you be in harmony if your not satisfied? reasons i am not in harmony? look at the previous page. i don't understand sometimes.","harmonywords":"unbalanced stumbling clumsy odd overbearing unfit loud unseen ruckuss off","satisfactionwords":"tired lonely frustration anger surrender unequal circle pointless faraway unheard","hilstotal":9,"swlstotal":7,"age":43,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am overall satisfied with life. I enjoy my love life. I also enjoy where I am currently at in life. I may not be as far as I would like to be but I always remember I could be worse. I am happy with all the blessings in my life and my family.","harmonytexts":"I feel I am in harmony. I am a pretty happy person. I am always well rested and peaceful. I do not let things stress me out. I try to seize the day and always make something positive out of it. I enjoy my life and try to make the most out of it.","harmonywords":"love peaceful happy amused laughing crying best good fair restful","satisfactionwords":"Food religion world pets happiness lovelife amusement children education financial","hilstotal":33,"swlstotal":28,"age":30,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am pretty much satisfied with my life. I have an awesome husband who loves me and would do anything for me,my four kids are grown now and i have 13 beautiful grand kids,i am so blessed.","harmonytexts":"My life is now in peaceful harmony.I do not let what others think or say or do affect me anymore.I have blocked out all negativity from my life.","harmonywords":"peace quiet reflective agreeing family friends well being strong calm easy","satisfactionwords":"happy married kids grandkids family secure peace tranquillity devotion loyal","hilstotal":31,"swlstotal":24,"age":53,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"As I approach the later years in my life, I find the the things that make me happy and give me peace are much different than when I was younger. I don't anger as easily or let things bother me as much. Things that seemed important don't seem as important. Money, success and those types of things don't play as important role as family.I am much happier with small successes and achievements. I am more at peace.","harmonytexts":"I feel much more in harmony at this stage in my life than any other time in my life. I am more aware of my surroundings. I enjoy listening to music and seeing nature. When I was younger, I took these things for granted. I am much more satisfied with my life.","harmonywords":"peace calm comfort freedom paradise children music feelings pleasure happiness","satisfactionwords":"faith family finances health happiness opportunities intelligence work environment social","hilstotal":34,"swlstotal":30,"age":61,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"i be leave that i am in fact satisfied with my life, but there is always room for advancement. from where i stood a couple years ago in life to know i grew quite a bit. i know have a college degree and am on my way to the navy. not bad for someone that was arrested for a year to change there life around.","harmonytexts":"harmony means a lot to me its the realization of someone loving there self. which is one thing i believe everyone should have, because when you do life seems to go a lot better. loving ones self is the first step in life i think. so harmony is just the love and peace you have with yourself.","harmonywords":"calm peaceful inactive nirvana tranquillity peace happy quiet empowered inspired","satisfactionwords":"happy done excited peaceful angry obsessed sad down inactive active","hilstotal":29,"swlstotal":23,"age":25,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"Overall I am satisfied with my life. I am happy and healthy and I have a great positive attitude. I believe that a positive attitude makes or breaks any situation. I have a warm place to sleep at night and food on my table. I couldn't ask for more than this to make me feel satisfied with my life.","harmonytexts":"I am in harmony with my life. I am happy and strong and sure footed. I know who I am in life and what my strength and weaknesses are. I also know what I am striving to become and what steps I must take to get there. I am happy where I am but, would love to push myself farther to become more. Overall I am very happy with my life.","harmonywords":"content attentive sunshine warm happy cheerful positive attitude sharp singing","satisfactionwords":"happy strong positive firm faith giddy rainbows sunshine breezy content","hilstotal":35,"swlstotal":26,"age":46,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am satisfied. Life could be much worse. I have been in worse times regarding money then right now. Im not rich but im doing just fine. I broke up with my girlfriend recently and although that was hard I knew we should have broken up long ago. I'm doing much better now. I have a few friends and I would do anything for them. My ex betraying me made me feel terrible but I know that was her fault and not mine.","harmonytexts":"I have always been very centred in life. I'm a libra and although I don't believe in that stuff I feel like scales represent me very well. I am balanced. I am hard to anger. At the same time it is hard for me to find joy in things. Its ok though. I am always calm. I am a rock and am hard to move.","harmonywords":"yes flow balance scales peace harmony reflective cold","satisfactionwords":"adequate normal on course good fine ok running to write","hilstotal":25,"swlstotal":16,"age":23,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am satisfied with life, everyday I wake up and its a new day. What I make of that day is up to me, but thankfully I have the opportunity to get out there and do something","harmonytexts":"I am in harmony, my house is quiet and peaceful except for the occasional fights with my fiance, but we are happy, and so is our cat","harmonywords":"calm flaky fish sweet soothing neat orderly tusk trained open","satisfactionwords":"happy records lasers people love full nice good house images","hilstotal":31,"swlstotal":28,"age":31,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"Similar to being in harmony, I am not satisfied with my life. I make plenty of money and have financial stability that many people would be envious of, but I have an emotional void. I want to have more friends and people that I can count on but I have been so self focused that I have neglected friendships over the years. I know this is something that I can do better at but it is hard to know where to start. I think I would be more satisfied with my life if I had more balance and didn't spend all my time working and worrying.","harmonytexts":"I am definitely not in harmony right now. There are too many things going on in my life that are making me anxious and/or sad right now. I am coming up on my 50th birthday in a few days and it's hitting me hard. Not that I'm getting older per se, but that I feel I have so little to show for it other than financial stability. I feel like I've focused on the wrong things in my life and it's too late to go back and redo the most important things like family. My only child will be leaving for college in the fall and I wish I had had more children but it's definitely too late for that. I don't have a household full of laughter and love and that makes me sad, depressed, etc. I know I need to refocus to bring harmony to my life but my negative feelings are so strong right now I am having trouble finding any balance.","harmonywords":"anxiety stress depression fear sadness uncertainty guilt loss frustration anger","satisfactionwords":"frustration desire want need depression anxiety loss guilt imbalance comfort","hilstotal":14,"swlstotal":16,"age":49,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I think I am satisfied overall with my life thus far, I have most of what I need and a lot of what I want. My career and family are my primary concerns, and they are also satisfied - the company is growing and my family is happy and healthy.","harmonytexts":"I find myself more or less happy each day of my life, things seem to be in harmony with my career and family. I am driven and motivated most of the time, and this seems to be increasing with time. Sometimes I can be a bit lazy and not want to get after the things that I want in life. But, overall I am very content with where I am at, so I think that's why I do not feel it's always necessary.","harmonywords":"content happy cheerful joyous harmonious capable driven motivated indifferent mundane","satisfactionwords":"happy content joyful driven motivated cheerful indifferent lazy forgetful futuristic","hilstotal":26,"swlstotal":27,"age":32,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I have satisfaction in all areas of my life. I'm pleased with my ability to teach and learn. I feel that I am considerate of others and cooperate with them, too.","harmonytexts":"I am contented with the way things are going in my life. I am fulfilled as a wife, mother, and teacher. I am satisfied with my appearance and how people perceive me.","harmonywords":"cooperation serene openminded amicable meditative friendly compatible empathetic karma peaceful","satisfactionwords":"contented fulfilled positive appreciative enthusiastic composed pleased confident serene courageous","hilstotal":33,"swlstotal":32,"age":61,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I have enough food and basic necessities to live my life. I am able to live within my means. I am able to be patient and understand between what I want and what I need. I am not greedy and I try to not take what is not mine.","harmonytexts":"I love my family and have wonderful friends. I try to be stress free and I try to help others. I believe in my self. I am able to clearly think about my plans for the future. I have people who care about me.","harmonywords":"peace balance compatible amity unity content united friendly hope likeable","satisfactionwords":"satiated happy content joyful humble full fat pleased complacent smug","hilstotal":29,"swlstotal":22,"age":21,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am extremely satisfied with my life out side of work. My work is very stressful and a life sucker. I try to keep my work and family life separate so that I can be satisfied overall.","harmonytexts":"Most important is my family. They are healthy. I am loved as are they. We have stability, security and each other. We are able to do many thing together and love our time with each other.","harmonywords":"stress sick tired overworked underpaid family love peace together dogs","satisfactionwords":"family love health work money overworked underpaid animals missed peace","hilstotal":22,"swlstotal":21,"age":41,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am very content with my life right now, however I am still very driven and want to make more of my life. I want to make more money, make more friends, be more successful. I want more importance in either my company, or in life.","harmonytexts":"My life seems to be filled with discord. I live with anxiety and my lifestyle seems to be contributing to this anxiety. I wish my mental state were more stable.","harmonywords":"drugs alcohol tv games movies music food plants internet clothes","satisfactionwords":"Content Happy Achievement Satisfaction Passion Youth Commpanionship Money Apartment Job","hilstotal":14,"swlstotal":21,"age":24,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"lost my mom and cat of 13 years. this year.we lived to again 24yrs.i'm disabled my mom helped me a lot .know i have none too help.i've been struggling get very little on disability .i work here to pay my utilities etc.i really wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't for mturk.been depressing very stressful etc.i pray things will get better.got a new kitty she 6 months it helps some.","harmonytexts":"im thankful for the few family and friends i have.its been a struggle for me.i try to do the best i can.i really hope things will turn around for the better.","harmonywords":"strong happy love content unique hardworker caring respectful nonjudgemental strong","satisfactionwords":"honest caring loving helpful intelligent strong innovative","hilstotal":32,"swlstotal":22,"age":41,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"No im a poor fat and out of shape, I have thing going for me in anyway or form. I think just writing about it makes it worse,but it sure doesn't help its Christmas.","harmonytexts":"No I hate my life its awful and I am sick it. I am on mturk for a reason, because my life is awful. I wish I was someone else but im stuck in this crappy existence.","harmonywords":"peace kinship friendship tranquillity clash jangling fighting dislike discord compatibility","satisfactionwords":"wealth happy finished hardworking lazy dumb fat weak eating habits overweight","hilstotal":11,"swlstotal":13,"age":34,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I'm satisfied with my life at the moment. I was dissatisfied three years ago when I was working a dead end job. I found a new job since then and back in school which gives me a great deal of satisfaction. The more objectives I complete the happier I become.","harmonytexts":"At this point of my life I'm at a cross roads of what I want out of life. I would said I'm satisfied with my life decisions up to this point. For this I'm at peace because I know I'm making the right decisions in life. Perfect harmony in ones life is hard to accomplish.","harmonywords":"peaceful serenity tranquil friendship kinship consistency clash controversy hostility division","satisfactionwords":"happy fulfilled accomplished delighted cheerful joyful merry jubilant annoyed displeased","hilstotal":27,"swlstotal":28,"age":23,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am happy with life as a whole,but life can also be a bummer,I worked at a job for 20 years,putting my all into this place,and then i get laid off, broke,struggling to pay my bills,trying to take care of my family","harmonytexts":"I belive,in life that family is most important because without family there just is,nt true happiness,money is good,and a good job is good but family is what makes a person truly whole and happy i do belive","harmonywords":"love family kinship friends money sex happiness food bonding brotherhood","satisfactionwords":"love happy family work money power intune friends sex kinky","hilstotal":25,"swlstotal":13,"age":51,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am not satisfied with my life emotionally or financially. My spouse is quite difficult to deal with and often disengaged with reality. Her reckless spending has brought me to a life of financial struggle due to staggering amounts of debt. It is quite hard to deal with these burdens.","harmonytexts":"My life is not in harmony. I have many challenges that make me tired and frustrated. It is hard to enjoy the good things in life when constantly in such a state.","harmonywords":"conflict anger frustration shame anxiety distrust jealousy inadequacy estrangement awkward","satisfactionwords":"quiet debt anxious impatient planing worried unforeseen need helpless waiting","hilstotal":16,"swlstotal":13,"age":41,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am satisfied in my life. I am happy, healthy, and loved. I have a great family and friends. I am very content with what I have. I don't need fancy things to satisfy me. What makes me happiest is things that you can not buy.","harmonytexts":"I feel I am harmony in my life. I am easy going and can go with the flow. I do not expect a lot of material things. I am happy with the quiet, simple lifestyle.","harmonywords":"happy satisfied content focused attentive sharing trustworthy caring giving easy going","satisfactionwords":"happy family content honest hardworking friends love pets healthy fun","hilstotal":33,"swlstotal":29,"age":49,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"no, last page summarized this too. There shouldn't be a limit to the words I should have to write. This question is far too similar to make me write too many words.","harmonytexts":"No, of course not. The state and my ex take too much money. I literally do not make enough to stay afloat, let alone pretend my life is in harmony. I would suppose that if finances were to not be an issue in my life, my life would be very much in harmony, or so I think.","harmonywords":"unbalanced twisted asymmetrical rough textured lop-sided filtered unhappy saddened dusty","satisfactionwords":"exhausted drained saddened hurt beaten cursed tattered worn long painful","hilstotal":15,"swlstotal":5,"age":31,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am mostly satisfied with my life although things can be a little better. I'm happy to be healthy and alive but wish I can make more money. All I want right now is to achieve my career goals. Once I do that I would be truly satisfied with life in total. Right now I feel a tad bit incomplete. But I am working on things now, so in due time all will be well.","harmonytexts":"I feel like I am in harmony with life for the most part. I life very serene and clean and hate to be around negativity. It took me a long time to find myself but once I did things became clearer to me. My third eye was opened allowing me to see things that I have never seen before. I was reborn and the new me feel amazing.","harmonywords":"serenity peaceful hearty intrigued persuasive fantastic worrisome somber unrelenting indistinctive","satisfactionwords":"healthy witty inspired handy useful stylish fun loved alive quirky","hilstotal":31,"swlstotal":27,"age":25,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"We run our small farm together and make some tough decisions but I am proud of our hard work. I am happy with who I am overall but trying to work on my shortcomings. I have wonderful circle of friends with one close friend that I share everything with. I have some great sadness right now but I am content with everything else.","harmonytexts":"I pray in thanksgiving of all the blessings I have received and for guidance in all aspects of my life. Especially for the things I worry about or can't control. I feel I know myself and have expectations of myself and how I deal with people and situations. I am disappointed in myself when I don't handle things as well as I should. I sometimes have to remind myself to let go and move on after failing.","harmonywords":"praying trusting mindful tense tired quiet expectant supported hobbies reflect","satisfactionwords":"challenging uncertain proud steady safe loving hopeful eager determined funny","hilstotal":28,"swlstotal":20,"age":27,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"My life is not very stable right now. I had to quit my job to get medical care I needed. Now I'm still alive but unemployed and not sure where I will be living in the next 3 months. I need a job, and I will need to move to get one in my field. I am not materialistic at all. I just want to feel like I can take care of myself and keep a roof over my head without worrying that I might need to depend on anyone else. When I have a stable living arrangement and am able to feel like I am helping others (people or animals or both), even if it's just on a volunteer basis outside of employment, then I will feel satisfied.","harmonytexts":"While in harmony with other people, I don't feel in harmony in my own life or with myself. I feel conflicted about listening to what my body needs. I don't know what direction to go with my life or how to get there. I feel completely overwhelmed with trying to figure that out. Part of me wants to give up, and part of me wants to keep going just to prove the people who think I can't do it wrong.","harmonywords":"confused discordant conflicted unsure hesitant internal passive overwhelmed silent overstimulated","satisfactionwords":"struggling isolated anxious depressed worried lonely sad hopeless scared doomed","hilstotal":9,"swlstotal":7,"age":32,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"At the current state in my life I feel that there is a lot more I can accomplish and that I should have already. I am disappointing at this point in my life but very hungry to do more. I am not content in any manner whatsoever. I need to finish what I began so a lot of hard work is ahead of me.","harmonytexts":"I wish I was more at peace but the imbalance in my life is hurting those chances. I don't know what to do with the relationships I currently have. I feel incompatible but somehow unable to get rid of those relationships. Its almost like I enjoy it for some odd reason. I may just like arguing and therefore seem to stay in this depressing cycle.","harmonywords":"Frustrated Unease Impatient hatred imbalance dislike fighting discord disagreement incompatible","satisfactionwords":"hungry challenge competition upset unhappy grudging annoyed critical malcontent dissapointed","hilstotal":13,"swlstotal":11,"age":27,"gender":"female"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am not satisfied. Being a 56 year old woman raising a son alone I have experienced more hardships than not. I work a dead end job making minimum wage. I have looked for better but employers are only interested in the young in my area. It is discouraging trying to meet my bills in a timely manner and trying to provide for my son. I have been evicted twice had my two older children turn their backs on me. No I am not satisfied!","harmonytexts":"I have forgotten what it is like to be in harmony. Sleepless nights and worry are more a constant. Peace eludes me. I spend more time with worry and fear over things that are and threatening to be. When will the utilities be shut off if I cant make a payment? When is the car insurance due? Will we have money for food?","harmonywords":"anxious overwhelmed angry ashamed tearful confused rude extended hopeless humiliated","satisfactionwords":"hungry searching empty reaching fear rejected unappreciated lost under resented","hilstotal":5,"swlstotal":5,"age":56,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I have not found a job even though I have a college degree. I have been depressed and have no energy to do anything. I have a lot of anxiety that causes me mental fatigue. I love my family but it doesn't seem to get any better. I just want to make everyone proud and contribute financially and at this point in time I do not feel that I am contributing anything.","harmonytexts":"I do not feel in harmony as I am depressed and anxious most of the time. I feel unstable and upset most of the time. I feel like I have gotten the short end of the stick and that it is never going to get better. I feel like there is no harmony in the world and everything is off.","harmonywords":"sad humiliated ashamed disappointed depressed scared nervous angry painful unstable","satisfactionwords":"disappointment negativity pessimism doubtful sad depressed angry unfair unsatisfied upset","hilstotal":19,"swlstotal":22,"age":26,"gender":"male"} {"satisfactiontexts":"I am not satisfied in life because I have not fulfilled many of the goals that I have set out to achieve. I will not be satisfied with myself until I reach these goals. I feel that I have made numerous mistakes that will be difficult to overcome, thus leading to my dissatisfaction.","harmonytexts":"I am not in harmony because I do not know where my priorities stand. I am confused in my current state and my life seems to be full of fluctuation. I feel as if I am lost and need consistency.","harmonywords":"Unharmonious Unsure Imbalanced Confused Sad Lost Discordant Choppy Fluctuating","satisfactionwords":"Unsatisfied Unsuccessful Unimportant Confused Jealous Lost Unsure Angry Unstable Bored","hilstotal":24,"swlstotal":18,"age":19,"gender":"female"}